Nothing is impossible. 2016 promises to break new territory for SOLUM. It is the beginning of a new year. Development. 2015 revealed continuing success in fixing fractured families across the nation. We did what we said we were going to do to change the fathering and family landscape of Oklahoma, Texas, and the nation. Think EFFECTIVENESS.
Every bit of this was accomplished on a dime and a dare. Our volunteer base gets the job done. We don’t do this because we have great funding. We do this because it is the right thing to do and the right time to do it. 2016 should be the year to move out of part-time. That is your decision to make.
Fathers are getting more engaged. Families are being reunited. Individuals choose a better life. Communities transform. Legislators receive encouragement to wise, character action.
Need a suggestion? Think TRANSFORMATION!
Give $50 a month as a Family Builder.
Give $100 a month as a Community Builder.
- Delivered couples communication training in May Ave Nazarene church over ten weeks in OKC and in a six week format to six couples in Gainesville.
- Developed and delivered Life Skills training in six ten week classes to 52 probationers with excellent results in anger management, better family interactions, and better workplace and community lifestyle.
- Delivered Family Builders parenting skills training with 19 probationers and community people.
- Published and distributed Manage Well, An Eclectic Management study of 31 principles identified by my last work team as critical to their growth. Available on Amazon in both print and kindle.
- Published over 60,000 character encouragement devotions to 3200 legislators in 34 states and 750 local leaders in Oklahoma.
- Hosted a community wide concert and fund raiser for St James CME rebuild in the hard district of Gainesville. We host St James in our center during the remodel of the oldest church in Gainesville and an historic Black congregation.
- Continues to reach thousands weekly through facebook, twitter, linkedin, and website.
- Coordinated 20 Texas leaders in a brain session with Dr. Ken Canfield.
- Met and informed hundreds of business leaders via Chamber of Commerce breakfasts, Rotary, Lions, etc..
- Engaged United Way as a contributor.
- Received report that 80% of our probationer grads are completing probation against a national average of 37%.
Every bit of this was accomplished on a dime and a dare. Our volunteer base gets the job done. We don’t do this because we have great funding. We do this because it is the right thing to do and the right time to do it. 2016 should be the year to move out of part-time. That is your decision to make.
- Youth probationer intervention with Life Skills and Parenting is underway.
- Launch of Watch DOGS in Gainesville is underway.
- Would you like us to expand anger management, parenting and father and couples and life skills training and reach ten times the families in Cooke County, Texas.
- Would you like us to do more dvd and online training to reach the nation?
- Would you like us to develop elementary school based programs to reach men and families in OKC and Texas?
- Would you like us to get to legislators in all 50 states and move that number to 8000?
- Would you like to help us plant a vibrant congregation in Gainesville to sustain impact in families after training?
- Do you understand the power of personal discipleship and have a vision to help us extend that into more people?
Fathers are getting more engaged. Families are being reunited. Individuals choose a better life. Communities transform. Legislators receive encouragement to wise, character action.
Need a suggestion? Think TRANSFORMATION!
Give $50 a month as a Family Builder.
Give $100 a month as a Community Builder.
Give $2500 to sponsor one Life Skills class with 15 probationers and be a Recovery Champion.
Give $5000 to support volunteer training in all areas and be a Community Champion.
Give $10,000 to enable us to acquire right staff and get school based programs underway and be a National Champion.
Do it now. Do it.
Thanks for all you do,
Phil Larson, Director and Servant to Fathers and Families
Give $5000 to support volunteer training in all areas and be a Community Champion.
Give $10,000 to enable us to acquire right staff and get school based programs underway and be a National Champion.
Do it now. Do it.
Thanks for all you do,
Phil Larson, Director and Servant to Fathers and Families