Quit doing what you love and love what you are doing
The worst piece of advice given is “do what you love and you will never work another day in your life.” That is about as hokey and wrong as any advice received. Toss it. Burn it. Shove the book in which you read it in the outdoor fireplace over Christmas. Now, how can we cure that thought? Just because we think it does not mean it is true. It just ain’t true. Let’s put a little cognitive behavior therapy through remodeling against that thought. What evidence do you have that it is true? Well, my friend told me he loves his job and it does not feel like work. And there is this philosophy self-help book I read that was full of statistics on job satisfaction. And I really am working hard and enjoying it less, so maybe if I changed to something else I would feel better. What evidence do you have that is it not true? I love what I do. All my friends tell me they love what they do. And none of us is really happy, content, or satisfied. We always want more, work harder, lose out on family fun, and are generally just as depressed as a group as anyone out there without a job at all. What would happen if you changed the thought just a little bit? Love what you do and you enjoy your work more. Is that more real and reasonable? Of course. It is more true, because it works. Love what you do. Quit looking over that other fence and comparing your car, home, toys, spouse, children’s accomplishments, and size of income. Just quit iti. Love what you do. Russell Cornwell built an entire university on a story. In the story he taught one principle. Mine the diamonds at your feet before you run off looking for a better opportunity. Yep. It works. Reinhold Niebuhr unintentionally revolutionized the recovery industry by writing a prayer for a Sunday morning that we call the Serenity Prayer. One line in particular that most don’t read is “Enjoying each moment”. Another is “that I might be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him in the next.” In other words, get about the business of living the moment you have to the max. Love it. Mine the diamonds at your feet. There are millions of people saying, “If I could just make money doing what I love, I would be happy.” It is a lie. Don’t buy that lie. Love what you do. Get busy finding joy and value in the task in front of you. So here are two steps to love what you do even if you hate it today.
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